“The First School Day of Little Piggy" comes from the theatrical classroom story-telling series by Yang Laoshi (The principal of Lilla Tigern Chinese school). Piggy is a rebellious character that is adored by students of different ages. They follow his little adventures and laugh along at the funny mistakes he makes, getting more and more attached to Piggy with each small story. We can say that there is a Piggy in every one of us.

Several years ago we collaborated with a young illustrator who also had a passion for children's literature, and was able to perfectly understand the spirit of Piggy. We made the first version of "First School Day" and printed copies for the students of Lilla Tigern Chinese School, and it was such a success among both the children and parents.

Today Tei is proud to publish Little Piggy's "First School Day" in both Swedish and Chinese, sharing Little Piggy's adventures with more families. You can purchase our book through our website, in various bookstores and also read or borrow in different libraries around Sweden.

So don't wait, let's come and see what Little Piggy is up to.