Tomi and Rufus

Tomi Ungerer

Born in Strasbourg in 1931, Tomi Ungerer @tomiungerer landed in New York in 1956 with $60 in his pocket and with a suitcase full of drawings.

Overnight he became a star as a caricaturist, illustrator and children’s book author and published more than eighty books in ten years. In 1998, Tomi Ungerer was awarded the Hans Christian Andersen Award for illustration and has become an internationally renowned artist.

Musée Tomi Ungerer

The Musée Tomi Ungerer, a museum devoted exclusively to his work, opened in 2007 in the centre of Strasbourg, housing 8000 original drawings, sketches, sculptures and posters offered by the artist himself to his hometown.

As one of the few places in Europe that dedicated to the art of illustration, the museum is a must visit if you would love to dive into the world of satirical humor of Tomi Ungerer, or simply enjoy the history of illustration from the 19th century to today.

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Like all bats, Rufus sees life in black and white, until he chances upon an outdoor movie theatre and is awakend to the dazzling world of colours for the first time...


Inspired and excited, Rufus paints his own wings and ventures out into the day, only to discover that his unusual appearance attracts unwelcome attention. Though he is initially rejected for his difference, Rufus soon learns to accept himself for who he is, thanks to a new friend....

Get your copy of "Rufus: The Bat Who Loved Colors" by Tomi Ungerer in our shop.